How to Invoice as An Independent Contractor in 2021! Everything to Know

Ash Grover
6 min readMar 19, 2021


invoice for independent contractor

Contractors offer various services starting from business consulting, designing, and manufacturing services. And for that, billing is an essential skill for a contractor to create invoices & get paid for such activities. The invoicing will help describe the amount of work, including times and dates on which the particular task was done since they execute various kinds of work in different durations.

And for contractors billing and tracking payments of their work is more than a hassle task. Want to know how contractor invoices help them pay based on the working hour, Dates, specific duration? The contractor’s invoicing software helps generate a detailed professional invoice of their work & get paid for that.

Invoicing is the main part of any business to present your work impression to clients. And for the contractor, accurate invoices with the proper time, expenses, and supplies help get paid quickly.

What is Independent Contractor Invoice Used For?

The independent contractor Invoices help to provide detailed information of the work performed. These invoices must be error-free & professional to gain your client’s trust.

The Contractor Invoice Includes:

● Working hour

● Organization name & logo

● Detailed expenses

● Billing Period

● Invoice no.

● Client information

● Rates & taxes

● Supplies

Mentioning these things makes your invoices more professional & presentable and helps to gain the client’s trust. Now we discuss the tips to invoice as a contractor.

Tips to Invoice as A Contractor

  1. Billing Policy: It is the prime task for every contractor to develop their billing policies. It includes the rates, time, dues, late fees, payment methods, payment time, etc. A perfect billing policy helps the contractors to standardize their billing process and evaluate the whole working process.
  2. Provide Business Information: The Invoice must include the logo, name of the company, address, contacts, email, so it must be like a professional invoice. And this is also the way to represent your brand in the market.
  3. Client’s Detail: Make sure to write the correct contact details of your clients. This makes your invoice more attractive & presentable. And in case of any query, you will easily able to contact them.
  4. Invoicing Number: This is the unique no. which defines your invoice for the respective clients. It helps to make your invoice systemize and find that invoice easily in case of any error. Using the billing software, you can easily access your invoice through mobile, laptop, etc.
  5. Provide Detailed Information: Your task’s detailed information helps you know which activity takes much time & helps you manage your work within a deadline. The report consists of the hour of work, rates, expenses, and sub-total of all.
  6. Payments method: Define your payment accepting method in your invoices; it helps clients to pay the invoice as per their suitable payments option. It also helps you to get paid earlier.
  7. Due Amount: Mention the total due amount to the bill, including the taxes. So, that client must be clear about the due amount. Now we discuss the method to avoid invoicing mistakes.
  8. Mention the Payment Deadlines: It is necessary to provide the payment dues deadline and mentions the late fine. It is important to specify the deadline to get paid for your work on time & make your workflow process smooth.

What are the Various Invoicing Mistakes to avoid?

Improper invoicing format

If your invoice is in the proper format, it looks more presentable and helps you establish your brand identity. The improper invoicing design also does not provide the exact billing details to your clients. Therefore, billing must be in the proper format so that anyone reviewing will understand what is being billed.

Failing to send quick invoices

As you know, if you send your invoices quicker to the clients, it helps to get you paid faster. After completing the task, immediately send your detailed invoice to your clients to get your payment quicker. If you will get your payment on time, this helps you to maintain workflow efficiently. The quicker invoice also helps the client to pay their due amount and close the project.

Avoid Formatting the invoices

The contractor performs various services for clients of different domains. And formatting of invoices differs from one service to another. It must be a hassle task for any contractor to change invoice formatting from time to time. And this formatting must consist of many errors, which look unprofessional and down your reputation.

Therefore, it is important to develop invoice templates that work completely fine with you and your customers. Using the billing software, you can easily design your invoice templates, and it also provides you an option to modify them as per business needs. It also looks very professional & helps to gain the client’s trust quickly.

Not Define the payments term

Adding their payment term and condition is a very crucial task for any businessman. But many contractors think if clients saw their payment terms and conditions earlier, might they cancel the deal. However, proper adding of the payment term and condition helps to make your deal crystal clear. Unclear payment terms create a conflict between both, and it leads to late payment. So, it is necessary to get clear about your payment option earlier.

No Follow up for late payments

Due to many reasons in the services, contractors fail to follow up on the late payments to avoid clients’ conflict. But it is essential to follow up on your late dues to get paid for your work & maintain your whole work process efficiently. You can do the follow-up both manually or automatically. Using the billing software, late dues get an automatic reminder for payments, and it also helps to get paid quickly without any conflict.

Which is the Best Contractor Billing Software?

Invoicera, with 17 years of experience in the billing industry, provides the best contractor Billing Solution. Invoicera can automate your entire billing process with its customized online billing software. From calculating charges to securing payments and generating reports. It helps to manage multiple clients for different sectors easily.

Contractor invoicing software- Invoicera

Its feature includes:

  1. Create Estimates: Estimates are the first way to grab a project quickly. Creating perfectly designed estimates with contractor invoice templates helps to look very professional contractor.
  2. Manage finance: Manage your finances with a detailed finance report. Completely automated customized reports are created with the contractor invoice software.
  3. Receive payments online: It provides an option to receive payment through 30+ payment gateways with faster payments and a smooth process. Offer multiple options and make payments convenient for your clients. It helps you to get paid quicker for your work.
  4. Business forecasting and decision making: Analysis of inventory required and expense reports can forecast future income and profits. It is very useful to decide about the projects after analysing the whole report.
  5. Quick, easy, and secure: Customers only need to log in to their payment gateway account with their respective login details. It makes the payments process hassle-free both for the client and the contractor.
  6. Time Tracking: It helps you to track your time for each activity so that you can able to complete the project on the given deadline.
  7. Manage multiple clients: It offers a single account with multiple dashboards to add your different businesses with the same account effortlessly. It helps the contractor to manage the clients of the different domains from a single dashboard.
  8. Staff management: It helps to manage your workflow easily by assigning their task & also help to access and control progress from a single dashboard.

For more information, check its demo version!


In this blog, we discuss how-to invoice as an independent contractor. Also, discuss the common mistakes that contractors perform in their invoices; this will help the contractor be more professional while making their invoices. This blog also gives you information about the contractor billing software to make your whole process more efficient & effortless. This automated software also helps to send an automatic reminder of your payment due. At last, choose your software after using its demo version.

